dietary supplements for lose weight

gallery of erotic images

Resource J.

photography and photos of a female body or art space of erotic images

Photography of a female body.
Art space of erotic images.

Any art image is a projection of a void space where distances and perspectives are illusory, and consequently art images can seem unreal and can be deformed.
Also human bodies can be deformed in illusory space of art drawings or paintings, and including in perspectives of erotic drawings in this gallery.

The shown erotic figures of female bodies can be considered in a context of fitness programs of a healthy life style and healthy living, namely as illustrations of weight loss tips which offer diets and dietary supplements of a healthy nutrition for ways to lose weight fast.
In particular images of female figures can be trade decorating of dietary food stuffs and nutrition additives which allow to burn fat and to treat adiposity and obesity, or decorating of yoghurts and sour-milk products which normalize digestion and metabolism, that also allows to lose excess weight of a body and to treat obesity. Female figures of this gallery can be interesting to medical dieticians and nutritionists or for online marketing of dietary nutritional supplements.
Namely the interfaced trade theme is marketing of dietary supplements for healthy ways to lose weight of a female body.


It is possible to think that photos are authentic images, but as a matter of fact the photography is bidimentional prints of three-dimensional space, and consequently photos or in particular erotic fotos are the deformed displays of the visible validity and human bodies.
The photography can be beautiful but a photographed human body is deformed and contradicts the valid corporal proportions.
It is impossible to display original proportions of a female body by means of photography as photos deform visible shapes and also deform erotic images of female bodies.
erotic photos and drawings of a body for a healthy life style and living

Beautiful original proportions of a female body for a healthy life style and healthy living.


proportions and perspectives of erotic poses as illustrations of weight loss tips

Perspectives of erotic poses as illustrations of weight loss tips.

To photograph original proportions of a human body and true erotic images of men or women by means of photo digital cameras, it is necessary to see true foreshortenings which do not break original corporal proportions and art perspectives.
It is necessary to find correct poses of a body in three-dimensional space that photography of a bidimentional body will have correct proportions, as even a most beautiful human body can be deformed if has a wrong spatial pose.
Space of art images and in particular erotic drawings differ from erotic photos. As drawings are displays of the unreal world where it is possible to change distances and perspectives, and also it is possible to correct poses of a female body.
Therefore the fine arts differ from photography as drawings or paintings capable to coordinate images of human bodies and to display more authentic proportions of corporal shapes rather than it is possible by means of photos and digital cameras.
If erotic drawing deforms space, namely deforms perspectives and sizes for the sake of display of correct proportions of a drawn human body then the drawing can be more proportional to the visible validity rather than erotic photography.
space of art drawings as decorating of yoghurts and sour-milk products

Space of art drawings as decorating of yoghurts and sour-milk products.

rotic figures of female bodies for online marketing of dietary nutritional supplements

Erotic figures of female bodies for online marketing of dietary nutritional supplements.

The deformed art space can contradicts proportional shapes, but artists can break proportions if it is necessary to show erotic beauty of a human body.
The visible validity of art images can be deformed, namely it is possible to perceive drawings or paintings as conditional distances and perspectives which exists for the sake of achievement of an artistic beauty of a woman.



artistic beauty of a woman for treatments of obesity by nutritionists

Artistic beauty of a woman for treatments of obesity by nutritionists.


About sensuality of female bodies in space of art images or photography and healthy dietary supplements for fast weight loss.
And also about marketing of yoghurts and treatments of obesity and metabolism by nutritionists.