
body relations

gallery of symbols

Configurations of body poses.
Postures and mutual relations of people.

Information about configurations of human body poses in mutual relations of people will be published in the paper book.

This section of website presents methods for analysis of emotions which are shown in postures or poses of body configurations in mutual relations of people.
First page describes emotions which are shown in mutual relations of people and connected with positions of head crown and chin, that is comparable with digrams of canon i-jing and numbers of Chinese numerology.
Second page describes values of emotional reactions in mutual relations of people according to poses in which positions of trunk and thigh and abdomen are considered, that corresponds to three levels of physical body figure and trigrams or symbols of eight Ba Gua of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing. Also second page gives information on gallery of symbolical images according to which it is possible to analyze configurations of human body poses and values of emotions in mutual relations of people.
Third page compares eight symbols Ba Gua of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing and poses of human bodies to mythological gods of Ancient Greece and points of geographic direction in the magic square of nine numbers of Greek Pythagorean numerology.
Fourth page shows parities of symbols Ba Gua with numbers of Pythagorean numerology and structure of hierarchical interrelations of mythological gods of Ancient Greece within magic square of Greek Pythagorean numerology.
Fifth page gives information on mutual relations of mythological gods of Olympic pantheon of Ancient Greece according to ratio with types of temperament and fundamental elements of universe.

Look in gallery symbolical images of configurations and meanings of symbols Ba Gua with characteristics of Greek gods according to which it is possible to speak about displays of emotions in mutual relations of people.

Sixth page results information on values of emotional displays in mutual relations of people according to poses which take into consideration positions not only trunk and thigh and abdomen but also crown of head and chin, that corresponds to symbols of 32 pentagrams of canon i-jing and five primary substances of universe in the context of classical Chinese philosophy.
Seventh page describes methods for analysis of human mutual relations according to poses which are caused by positions of six levels of physical bodies, that corresponds to hexagrams of Chinese canon of changes i-jing within circular diagram which is comparable with dihexagonal geometrical figure of zodiac circle in astrology.
Eighth page describes logical schemes according to which body poses in mutual relations of people are connected with power-informational transposition of structure-forming components of psycho physiological design of human essence in the context of Egyptian mythology and Tao philosophy of ancient China.
Ninth page results information on mutual relations of people according to configurations of body poses in pairs and triangles, namely methods for psychological analysis of mutual attitudes of two or three human persons. Also ninth page describes power-informational transposition of structure-forming components of human essence according to direct and indirect mutual relations of people.


Offered methods for logic analysis of human mutual relations according to configurations of body poses can be actual in various spheres of human life. In particular in graphic and theatrical art, in dances and ballet, in sports and physical training.
I shall be glad if information on configurations of body poses will be interesting to your attention.


Also on pages of this website look information on poses of human bodies, namely about dynamic movements of physical figures which are compared to emotions of people and symbols of the Chinese canon of changes i-jing.

Also on pages of this website look sections which are named as constitutions and correlation of bodies where there is information on psychological characteristics and mutual relations of people according to physical parameters of constant types of human physical builds.