
gallery of body shapes

body and planets

Correlations of body builds.
Human shapes and zodiacal positions of planets.

Information of this section of website about correlations of body builds according to zodiacal positions of planets in horoscopes and birth maps of people will be published in the paper book.

This section of website presents charts which allow to identify types of body builds according to zodiacal positions of astrological planets in horoscopes of birth maps, also allow to analyze formal correlations of human bodies, that as a result allows to speak about sympathies and antipathies in mutual relations of people.
First page shows ratio of constitutional body types in frontal face-to-face projections and tetrgrams of the Chinese canon i-jing with planets and signs of zodiac, also with the magic square of numbers in contexts of astrology and numerology.
Namely ratios of formal shapes and parameters of 16 face-to-face constitutional types of bodies with planets and signs of zodiac within astrological circle, also with numbers within numerological magic square.
Second page lists psychological characteristics of frontal face-to-face types of physical shapes according to ratio of formal parameters of human bodies and tetragrams of the canon i-jing with astrological values of planets and signs of zodiac.
Third page shows methods for identification of 16 frontal face-to-face types of physical shapes according to positions of planets in signs of zodiac within astrological circle in natal birth maps of people.
As examples this page shows astrological birth maps and photos of fashion models, or otherwise to tell figures of modeling clothes from lofty style magazines.
Fourth page gives information about mutual sympathies and antipathies of people according to zodiacal aspects of human types of body builds and physical shapes within astrological circle.


Fifth page shows ratio of constitutional physical types in lateral projections of human bodies and hexagrams of the Chinese canon i-jing with astrological circle and values of twelve zodiacal houses in birth maps and horoscopes of people.
Sixth page shows methods for identification of 64 lateral types of physical shapes and forms of human body according to zodiacal positions and points of planets in astrological birth maps and horoscopes.
Seventh page describes correlations of formal parameters of constitutional physical types in frontal and lateral projections of bodies/
Also this page gives information about zodiacal aspects of potential and kinetic psychological features of human personality within astrological circle.
Eighth page gives information about mutual relations of people according to correlations of formal parameters of physical types in lateral and frontal projections of human bodies with zodiacal houses in astrological birth charts and horoscopes.
Ninth page gives information about methods for correcting of formal parameters of human bodies by means of co-ordination of behavior and ways of life style of people with characteristics of astrological planets in astrological birth charts or horoscopes.

Also look information about psychological features of body types and physical parameters of people on pages of this website in section which is named as figures of constitutions.
Or look information on pages of this website about mutual attitudes of people according to physical positions in sections which are named as poses and configurations of human bodies.

I shall be glad if information on correlations of constitutional types and builds of physical shapes, also about figures of poses and configurations of human bodies will be actual in contemporary astrology and medicine, or in psychology and physiology of people.

